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FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships 2017 presented by A1@Donauinsel

FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships 2017 presented by A1

So., 06. Aug. 2017 12:00 @ Donauinsel , Wien - Donaustadt

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Wien, die Hauptstadt Österreichs, ist Austragungsort der FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships 2017 presented by A1!

Österreich ist die Heimat der loyalsten Beachvolleyball Fans der Welt - dieses Megaevent solltest du also nicht verpassen! Sei mit tausenden weiteren Beach Fans dabei, wenn vom 28. Juli bis 6. August, 96 der weltbesten Teams um die größten Beachvolleyball Preise kämpfen.


Alle Infos: www.beachvienna.com

★ VIP Tickets: http://bit.ly/WorldChampsTix

★ Beach Friends Lounge: http://bit.ly/BeachFriendsLounge

★ Swatch Party Boat Tickets: http://bit.ly/SwatchBeachBoat

★ Unterkunft: http://bit.ly/WMWHotels

★ schnellste Anfahrt: U-Bahn U6: Station Handelskai

Offizieller Hashtag: #WorldChampsVienna

Special Events:
Official Beach Volleyball Players Welcome
Wine Tasting at Beach Volleyball World Champs by Wine Affairs
Büroschluss Special: Das offizielle Kick Off Event zur Beach WM.

Austria's capital Vienna has been chosen as the host for the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships in 2017.

Austria is home to some of the most loyal beach volleyball fans, and between 28th July and 6th August, tens of thousands of fanatical spectators will watch 96 of the globe’s greatest teams compete for one of the biggest prizes in the sport.

The last World Championships took part in the Netherlands and was a huge success - now it's Vienna's turn to show the world what it can do on the beach!


Weitere Infos: www.beachvienna.com

★ VIP Tickets: http://bit.ly/WorldChampsTix

★ Beach Friends Lounge: http://bit.ly/BeachFriendsLounge

★ Swatch Party Boat Tickets: http://bit.ly/SwatchBeachBoat

★ Where to stay: http://bit.ly/WCVHotelDeal

★ Quickest way to get there: Public Transport
Metro U6 - Station Handelskai

Official hashtag: #WorldChampsVienna

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