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Ventured & Gained@The Loft

Ventured & Gained

Mi., 18. Sep. 2013 21:00 @ The Loft , Wien

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▶ 04.09 Stupe-It (Rock Pop Punk)
▶ 11.09 Porcelain Hip (Art Pop Rock)
▶ 18.09 Ventured & Gained (folk-angehauchter Acoustic-Rock)
▶ 25.09 Pablo J (Singer-Songwriter)

Mi 04.09 Stupe-It (Rock Pop Punk)
Neues Album "Mile End"

Zum Recorden des 2. Albums gingen Stupe-iT im September 2012 nach London in die Cafe Music Studios. Niemand geringeren als US-Musiker William Francis (Aiden, William Control) konnte man als Produzenten gewinnen.
Das Ergebnis: frische Klänge, ein unverwechselbarer roher, knackiger Sound, geprägt von schnörkellosem Rock. Zwischen wuchtigen Riffs und eingängigen Melodien geben sich Stupe-iT stets authentisch und lassen vor allem druckvolle Rocksongs nicht vermissen. Stupe-iT haben den eigenen Stil nochmals nachgeschliffen und mit „Mile End“ ein stimmiges, abwechslungsreiches neues Album nachgelegt. (VÖ am 25.1.2013)

Mi 11.09 Porcelain Hip (Art Pop Rock)
Electronic-Performance-Cabaret-Pop in Porno-phonic Symphonic Surround-sound

In every millennium, events arise that shake the very cultural and social fabric of civilization.
In the 11th century Song Zhun completed the first map of China and the epic English poem Beowulf was written. After that nothing much happened until in the 21st century Porcelain Hip were created. Their humour and lustrous harmonies display a startling talent but don’t be fooled into thinking they are all pop sweetness and light. Their lyrics and melodies reveal a musical intelligence and intent that, like them, refuses to be ignored.

By both indulging in and at the same time twisting the seemingly harmless nature of mainstream music, Porcelain Hip creates a distinctly unique sound. Think of Take That featuring Britney Spears put through a voice altering machine owned by the legendary Klaus Nomi and a smiling Velvet Underground. Not only do you get an exciting fusion of musical genres but also a physically explosive mixture of movement onstage.
Their songs are sometimes moving and sweet such as “I Want You”, but what appears to be a gentle love song turns out to be not only about love but also about the deep and uncontrollable feelings of someone with an eating disorder.

Porcelain Hip are a group who are greeted by rave reviews and ecstatic responses to their live performances. Through their music they take the world you know and remake it so that you see the complexity of emotion that lies just beneath the surface. Make no mistake you will never forget an evening spent with them.

Mi 18.09 Ventured & Gained (folk-angehauchter Acoustic-Rock)
HP coming soon.
Mi 25.09 Pablo J (Singer-Songwriter)
Die Welt befindet sich im Wandel, Revolution liegt in der Luft, ein neues Bewusstsein ist im Aufbruch.

Pablo J ist Singer & Songwriter, Gitarrist, Komponist, Arrangeur, jedoch vorallem ein reisender Forscher in der Welt der menschlichen Wahrnehmung.
Musik dient hierbei als bewährtes Kommunikationsmittel.

Ob im Stadion vor zehntausend Menschen, im lokalen Szeneklub oder an der nächsten Straßenecke, Pablo J hat bewiesen das er weltweit Menschen begeistert mit seiner Musik.

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