About me
hey! üba mi gibts net recht viel zum song. waunts wos wissn woits schreibts ma afoch
ajo und i wohn in salzburg und net in kirchdorf a. d. krems wo imma des a is... danke

Sitting across a bar
staring right at her prey
it's going well so far
she's gonna get her way
nocturnal creatures
are not so prudent
the moon's my teacher
and I'm her student
To locate the singel men
I got on me a special radar
and the fire departmenr hotline
in case U get in troble later
not looking for cute little divos
or rich city guys that just want to enjoy
I'm having a very good time in the heat
very bad in the arms of a boy
There's a she wolf in the closet
open up and set it free
There's a she wolf in the closet
let it out so it can breathe
glg Kathi